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The East-West Site of NYRoutes.com from February, 2003
From the Adirondack Northway, I-87 to the New York State Thruway, I-90
NY 28 South Sign

Dining, Restaurants

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Like any other service, between Warrensburg and Remsen, about 160 miles, there are virtually no fast food places or chains stores. The Adirondacks are home to wide variety of small family restaurants that vary from diners to sandwiches and pizza to fine dining. Many, however are seasonal, but the ones here are year-round.



Pizza, Subs, Diners

McSweeney's Irish Pub of Indian Lake Classic Irish Pub and Light Dining in the Indian Lake, NY Area.
Hours: Open 11 AM - 12 AM 7 Days a Week | Kitchen Closes at 9 PM
At the junction of 28 & 30 in Indian Lake hamlet next door to Stewarts.
Phone: 518-648-5832
McSweeney's Irish Pub of Indian Lake

Cronin's Links Cronin's Golf Resort in Warrensburg 18 Top Rated, Par 71 Golf Course & Driving Range, Motel, Cottages, Restaurant & Pub
Plus Swimming, hiking, Canoeing, Bonfires. The Best of Golf and the Outdoors. Located on the Upper Hudson River in Warrensburg, NY
Golf Course Road, off of Hudson River Road, Warrensburg, NY 12885, just south of NY 28
518-623-4653 or 518-623-9336
Cronin's Links