NY 28 North Sign Find Us on Facebook Now Over 22 Years Old, 2nd Best Blue Route in the USA! NY Route 28: Central Adirondack Trail NYRoute28.com: CentralAdirondackTrail.com
The East-West Site of NYRoutes.com from February, 2003
From the Adirondack Northway, I-87 to the New York State Thruway, I-90
NY 28 South Sign

Hiking & Backpacking

DEC Primitive Area Sign

If you want to hike and backpack, there are literally hundreds of marked and unmarked trails crossing our NY Route 28, from end to end. Remember in winter months, take all survival gear like food, lighters, fire starters, tarp, line, knife, hatchet, extra socks and sweater, etc., travel in parties of two or more, register at sign in points. It's best to wear a layer of good wool, including a cap, and have a good Gore-Tex water and wind proof parka shell as your final layer. Dress in layers and expect and wind, snow and rain. The ADK, or Adirondack Mountain Club maintains a lot of the trails, especially in the Keene Valley, High Peaks Region.

Camping Regulations:

  • 3 days or less in one place without permit.
  • Parties 10 or more need a permit, or if you plan to stay 3 or more days.
  • Don't camp within 150' of a stream or lake or 100' from a marked trail, unless marked with a DEC plastic tent tag as a campsite.
  • Put fires dead cold out, build a fire ring with rocks.
  • Only use dead and down firewood, no fires above 3000' or in High Peaks Special Zone
  • Carry out what you brought in. Be a good outdoorsperson as always.
  • Don't be afraid to clear out a blocked trail or pick up some extra trash.
  • Carry out or bury deep any organic garbage for sanitary reasons.
campfire at night

Some Interesting Links

Participating Establishments
518 Area Code 315 Area Code West of Raquette Lake